TEDxBreda 2016 theme – Pause, Reload & Game on!

Drumroll please… We are excited to share with you the theme for this year’s TEDxBreda: Pause, Reload & Game on!

The concept behind the theme is gamification, or applying elements of game playing (point scoring, competition with others and rules of play) to non-gaming elements, such as inspiration, technological design or everyday life. Through this notion we enhance our belief that the world would be a better place if only we all remembered how to play. So pause for a minute, reload your mind-state and then game on.


Games have become a major part of our lives and many technological advancements emerged from the world of gaming (simulations, virtual-reality, groundbreaking therapies). In this sense, gamification is all about enhancing the effect of an experience and applying motivation techniques to further results. In other words, it helps us become more engaged, focused and driven.

Change the game

Throughout this year we will play around with different approaches and concepts of games and gamification. On the grounds that everyone plays their own game, in one way or the other, be it playing music, playing for time, playing with your children, playing games with your friends, playing with science, playing with words, playing tricks or even playing with fire. And today more than ever, we need to change the game, as future generations have the chance to learn from our mistakes and play against them.

The creative adult is the child who survived. So what are you waiting for? Go out and play!

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Dana Leahu