Learn the formula of resilience | Sierd Nutma | TEDxBreda 2016

The ability to learn from life-lessons and to bend these lessons into something of added value. Learn the formula of mental resilience and get better, stronger and happier than ever!

Sierd Nutma is a speaker, trainer and author in the field of mental resilience. He trains teams, leaders and top athletes and helps develop targeted performances. Because Sierd is so passionate and open-hearted he makes the people in the room think about their own personal store.
As an adventurer he once bicycled 6000 kilometers through Siberia on his own. In 2014 he took place in one of the coldest and toughest marathons in the world, the North Pole marathon. And in 2015 he guided an expedition which made it possible that 6 different individuals with physical limitations were capable of climbing a mountain in Norway.

Dana Leahu